systech erp

Systech ERP the new age ERP is being compared with a commonly available third party ERP in the industry for SMEs . Here is a quick analysis helping you take a decision.

S.No Feature Systech ERP Third party ERP Benefit
1 Technology
  • 3 tier architecture (Richfaces-javabean-hibernate/My-SQL)
  • Cloud based
  • Mobility – Android apps


  • Old technology
  • Client based
  • Limited to PCs only
  • High Performance and concurrency (Customization and support become impossible due to technology obsolescence and lack of tools/manpower
  • Application can be accessed from anywhere
  • Latest Technology; Helps increase productivity
2 Capabilities
  • Paperless Office
  • Business Overview thru’ score/dashboards
  • Business Analytics
  • Not available
  • Not available
  • Not available
  • Instant references, reduces paper (go green)
  • Single window information
  • Right & quick decisions
3 User Experience
  • Tab Based
  • Dynamic Filtering
  • Automatic Sorting
  • Skin-ability
  • Drag n drop
  • Online directory
  • Many such more
  • Complex Scroll bar
  • Not available
  • Not available
  • Not available
  • Not available
  • Not available
  • Enhanced and much faster user experience. A delighted user is always motivated to use the system better.
4 Platform
  • Platform Independent
  • Linux / Windows
  • Expensive in terms of compliance
  • Slow in Performance
5 Tally Integration
  • Seamless online integration
  • Not Sure (maybe Import/ export)
  • Tally is the best when it comes to financial accounting.
6 Customization
  • Highly Customizable
  • Cannot be customized fast
  • All your current requirements can be customized. can support business changes in the future
7 Level of Automation
  • Very high
  • can be interfaced to machines directly
  • Closely integrated
  • Not very sure
  • Tightened operations
  • No human errors/adjustments
  • Minimal data entries
8 Cost
  • Very affordable
  • Huge recurring costs
  • High administration costs
  • High compliance costs
  • High infrastructure costs
  • No recurring for one year and very minimal thereafter
  • Huge manpower required for managing individual clients
  • Investment to keep Microsoft happy
  •  Bandwidth and RF/leaseline
5 Product Support
  • Included
  • Not very sure
  • Keep getting patches, updates and so on, since the solution is product based.